Friends, when I had posted Pretty Find No. 4, several of you had asked if I would mind sharing bits of these letters, and I am happy to do so.
This is only a small part of them - without the magic of holding these papers in your hands with their beautiful penmanship and postmarks from so long ago, but I hope you can imagine those things and enjoy them still as much as I did.
August 24, 1942
"I got a letter from Aunt Margaret yesterday - 6 full pages - and a very nice letter too. she said that if I'd promise to tell her what to send she'd frequently send magazines, candy, games, etc. I don't want the presents so much as I want to hear from her."
October 1, 1942
"I'll certainly be anxious to hear from Henry, as I miss him a lot. It doesn't seem right without you and Buzzy and now Henry. About the only one left is Nimmy and he only comes in to Tommy's about once a week. I suppose one of these days he'll be reclassified and then goodbye to him too."
August 31, 1944
"You see Fay with me it's "I love my wife"...
April 9, 1943
"I got a 24 hr. pass and Lillian and Neil asked me to stay all night and so I did and boy was it a treat to sleep in a real bed and eat some real cooked meals for a change."
July 22, 1942
" We're still having lots of fun doing nothing but sitting on Tommy's porch. Did you know Glenn is leaving sometime this week? Boy! I'll sure miss him as much as I miss you and Buzzy."
"I had a letter from Buzzy yesterday. What do you think. He's now Corporal Palmer with a salary of $79 per month. Isn't that something? Good old Buzz."
"You asked who goes on July 31. Well, Mike, Paul Miller Jr. Carmichael, Blackie Palmer, there are eleven more, but I don't know who they are. Mike and Flossie are making the most of their time together. I don't know about Red. I don't suppose he'll be around long though."
"Well I must close as I want to go over to the movies. Bing is having Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard in "Nothing But the Truth". It sounds sort of good for I got a kick out of Bob Hope. Do they have movies for you down there? Gene Krupa is coming to the states in person next week and I do want to hear him."
August 10, 1942
"I brought about 5 of your records down to play this week, hope you don't mind. Glenn Grey's "Moonlight Cocktail" is about worn out."
"I do believe that at last it has stopped raining. If you have had this much rain down there are are probably swimming around camp for it rained here the last three days, all day. I really don't mind much except that it has made me feel kind of lonely."
"I enjoyed our train ride home as much as anything. A bunch of soldiers had some fun at our expense when a couple of furs perchec on the rack over our heads fell down on us and we almost jumped out of our seats. We thought they were dead animals or something, well they were but you know what I mean. Be good and try to have a little fun along with the old grind..."
April 12, 1943
"Sure is too bad that Richard must go to the army now. Your family sure is doing its share in more ways than one. I sure pray that you may all see the ending of this awful war. Because you will all have reason to be very proud."
This last one is most special..
because this one was written to my Mom, from a neighborhood friend, a boy she grew up with -
"You'd be surprised at the silly little things you miss most when you're away for any length of time. 9 o'clock Mass at Lourdes; walks up to the Highland; Pepsi Colas at the candy store; shows at the Colonial; an occasional nite at Scotty's or McLaughlins; the sight of the trolleys; and a billion other little things. Way up on the list is sitting on your stoop and just gabbing or laughing at nothing in particular. Gee, if we could only recapture them memories again!"
This letter never fails to bring tears to my eyes.
The insight into what my Mom's life was like as a young woman, and the memories of a young man, so far away from home, that would give anything to have a tiny bit of that back.
Reminding me always to Treasure the Little Things.
XO Helena