About a year ago, I purchased a big 'ole lampshade at a yard sale. I could not resist it. It had such pretty lines, and at $3 I knew I would find something to do with it.
A few weeks ago, JW looked at it perched upon the top of one of my fabric stash cabinets, and I was asked the question "Are you ever going to do something with this thing?"
I knew the time had come.
As most of you know, ghost shades are all over the crafty corners of the internet, and I did like them. But I wanted to do something a little different with this.
So I thought - Why not the garden?
I stripped off the dusty old fabric and out to the garden it went.
It made the perfect pretty cage for flowers! I loved the way it looked.
You can hang all kinds of pretty bits off the shade, as long as it is something you don't mind getting wet or blown around a bit. Old lampshades are so easy to find at yard sales and thrift shops. Find one with a shape you love.
And as the flowers grow and poke through more here and there, it will look prettier and prettier.
Now there will be those who will be curious...
...and those who may look at you as though you've lost your mind...
...but don't you mind them one bit.
You just enjoy your Ghost in the Garden.
Much love,